皇家华人 is located at 2000 North Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112. The Memphis International Airport serves nearly 40 airports with direct flights, and campus is a short drive from the airport.
Families needing transportation may contact , 901-870-1496, to schedule limo or cab transportation. Uber and Lyft are popular ways to navigate Memphis and frequently have drivers available no matter where you are in Memphis.
Driving Directions
From Memphis International Airport
As you exit the airport, take the I-240W ramp onto Plough Blvd. After about 2 miles, this road becomes Airways Blvd. Continue on Airways; after another 3 miles, Airways becomes East Parkway. Follow East Parkway for 2.5 miles, until it intersects with North Parkway/Summer Avenue (the street is North Parkway on the left and Summer Avenue on the right.) Turn left onto North Parkway and travel .6 miles, passing the 皇家华人 campus on the right. Turn right at the next light, University Street. Enter campus at the first gate, Phillips Lane, or the third, Bailey Lane.
From the North (Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis)
Take I-55 South to West Memphis, Ark. Make connections with I-40 East going toward Memphis. Exit at Danny Thomas Boulevard North (Exit 1B) and take first right onto North Parkway. Continue on North Parkway to University Street. Turn left at University. Enter campus at the first gate, Phillips Lane, or the third, Bailey Lane.
From the South (New Orleans, Mobile and Jackson)
Take I-55 North to Memphis and merge with I-240 North. Exit at Union Avenue East. Continue on Union to East Parkway. Turn left onto East Parkway and continue to North Parkway. Turn left at North Parkway and continue to University Street. Turn right at University. Enter campus at the first gate, Phillips Lane, or the third, Bailey Lane.
From the East (New York, Miami, Atlanta, Louisville and Nashville)
Take I-40 West to Memphis. At I-240, continue straight through the interchange onto Sam Cooper Boulevard and turn right onto East Parkway. Take first left onto North Parkway and proceed to University Street. Turn right at University. Enter campus at the first gate, Phillips Lane, or the third, Bailey Lane.
From the West (Dallas, Denver, Oklahoma City and Little Rock)
Take I-40 East to Memphis. Follow directions above for "From The North."
From Huntsville
Take Highway 72 West to Memphis. Highway 72 becomes Poplar Avenue. Continue on Poplar Avenue to East Parkway. Turn right onto East Parkway and continue to North Parkway. Turn left at North Parkway and continue to University Street. Turn right at University. Enter campus at the first gate, Phillips Lane, or the third, Bailey Lane.
From Birmingham
Take I-22 West to Memphis. I-22 becomes Lamar Avenue. Continue on Lamar Avenue to Airways Boulevard. Turn right on Airways, which becomes East Parkway. Continue on East Parkway to North Parkway. Turn left at North Parkway and continue to University Street. Turn right at University. Enter campus at the first gate, Phillips Lane, or the third, Bailey Lane.
Note: North Parkway runs east-west, and East Parkway runs north-south. Confusing? Yes. But the parkways were named for their positions relative to midtown Memphis, rather than their directions of travel.